Thursday, November 17, 2016

My story of living with Sarcoidosis

My story continues and I wonder how and why I go through what I do... Then there is that one person that calls me or sees me and either thanks me or just gives me that Hug that just means I am doing something right!!! I have been going through some real life changing circumstances, some I can’t control and some I bring on myself by just not thinking the right way, and yes those choices can’t be blamed on my disease or diseases. I have so many things to be depressed about health wise, and I have been at times I won’t lie. But then you think about what you do have and that always outweighs the bad.My life with Sarcoidosis and what it has done to me! My Sarcoidosis story: Hello my name is Frank Rivera. I am 48 . My story actually goes back to 2004. While in Florida I was found to have a lump in my lungs. After a biopsy they told me I had lung cancer. That rocked my world. In the meantime I ended up moving to Oklahoma and getting chemotherapy and radiation. In 2009 and 3 ½ yrs. later I ended up back in New York. Well my fiancĂ© at the time Diana got pregnant and was due to have the baby in April of 2011. Well unfortunately Isabella Joy Rivera was born in January 3rd due to complications. She was too premature and passed away on January 8, 2011. It broke our hearts to the core. Then on January 23, 2011, I went to Mather Hospital for lower abdomen pain. And they took X-rays and CT Scans. They told me it was my IBS acting up. Well in April of 2011, I went back due to the same problems as well as breathing problems. According to the dr. there he asked me if I knew I had 2 lumps in both my lower lobes in the lungs since the January visit. I was shocked thinking my lung cancer had reappeared. So I went to an oncologist surgeon who took a biopsy of my inflamed lymph nodes and found out I have Sarcoidosis. I was like what is that?? I never heard of it. Well little did I know what kind of roller coaster I have been on since? I also found out I was misdiagnosed about the lung cancer in 2004, by Dr Padilla of Mt. Sinai Hospital.I was first diagnosed in my lungs and lymph nodes and it grew into my neurological system, then in my eyes (uevitis), then it has attacked my gallbladder, which I got removed in July 2011. Then since one of the prescriptions for Sarcoidosis is Prednisone 40mg (steroid) it started to eat away at my colon. Between that and my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and my Diverticulitis, in October of 2011, I was in the hospital for 25 days before I had a resection of the small colon. They removed about a foot of colon. All the while I was still on 40 mg of Prednisone as well as Klonopin, for the tremors, Zoloft for depression, mysoline also for tremors, protonix for the heartburn and Advair for the lungs and naproxen for the arthritis. In April 2012 I went back into the hospital for abdomen cramps to find out the my colon ruptured and I ended up with sepsis. I almost died. I was on life support for 3days and don’t remember those days at all. I had a colostomy bag put on me When I did wake up the doctors told me I was a miracle to be alive. I only remained in the hospital for another 3 more days. They decided to taper my Prednisone to5mg and took me off of the naproxen. In July I got I got a new rheumatologist and he has put me on 15 mg of methrotrexate, now I am on 20mg, and remicade, and physical therapy due to the Sarcoidosis arthritis. In October 2011 I had another surgery for the removal of the colostomy bag.Now I have to deal with the colds that the methrotrexate which is a chemotherapy pill that makes me susceptible to other colds. I have already had two in the past month. I now have to go back and get another surgery on an incisional hernia. I will be having that either in the end of the month of June of beginning of July. The problem is that I need to be off the methrotrexate for at least 3 weeks, but when I don’t take it I can barely walk. So I am in a catch. I received the surgery in AugustI just want to let everyone know that no matter how hard it has affected my life, I will keep a smile on my face. Even though I am on disability, I know that it may have changed my life but it won’t run my life. I refuse to give into this disease, don’t get me wrong there are days where I cry and ask why me. I just answer myself by saying God only gives you what you can handle. I use a cane now and then but that doesn’t define me. What defines me is the strength to carry on. Sarcoidosis is what I have not what I am! My mission in life is to help others with diseases that on the outside you look fine, but on the inside the pain is unbearable.In December of 2013 I ended up having another surgery to fix the mesh of the hernia so that makes a total of 6 surgeries in 3 years. But I am still here kicking and fighting.My Sarcoidosis thoughts as I live and move forward with this disease.As I sit here this morning thinking about this disease, Sarcoidosis, there are many people with Sarcoidosis that do get many other problems some are associated with the disease then some aren't associated but masked looking like many other diseases. Sarecoidosis is classified as an auto inflammatory immune disease, though it takes on many other diseases like symptoms. That is what makes it so difficult for doctors and scientists to get a hold of the cause and cure. We as people who have Sarcokdosis have to be diligent in our own care, by keeping up to date with the medicines, and new ways to combat this terrible disease. We have to be our own doctors and learn to not just accept everything a doctor says is always right. Don't be afraid to ask for a second or a third opinion until you feel comfortable with your doctors and your care. Each one of us "Sarkies" need to control your own care by being aware of your care and what your body needs and how it feels.One thing that I feel as a Sarcoidosis patient is that us as a "community", maybe not one that we wanted to be part of, but we are, need to gather together instead of everyone having their own agenda. We all have a disease that effects everyone of us in a different way but it still is the same disease and there are many ways we could work together to get funding and acknowledgement that this disease needs and we need to get our priorities together to help those that really need it. I am not saying you don't need it but there are many people without insurance and basic medicines and can't get a simple X-Rray or CT Scan.I know that I am not perfect and will never be, but I do know one thing. I would do as much as I could to help others anyway legal. I am not trying to put myself on a pedestal, but us as a "Sarkie" nation, which many of us do, need to get together and get this whole movement working together. We are all in it for the right reasons, now let's keep the momentum going so we can all get this disease controlled and then see it go to the waste side.I want everyone to know that I DO LOVE YOU ALL. I am sure some of you may doubt that and even doubt my ways of fund-raising. We all have our own ways and we are all determined to get it done, that is why we are stubborn, otherwise we wouldn't be doing this and fighting this disease. A couple of things I wanted to say before I close this note! Don't be afraid to be afraid; don't judge people for how they react to the disease also. Each person is different and has different symptoms and pains and aches.The best thing I could tell anyone who has any type of disease. Your mind has an amazing power! It will either help or hinder your success or failure. Your mind is 90% of your recovery. I know from personal trials and tribulations that if you don't think positive and give up your body will follow. It is always easier said than done, but if you can't do it alone don't be afraid to go out and get help. There are many places that will help for cheap or no money for that matter that will counsel you and help you. Don't think you are weak if you are talking to a counselor. If anything it makes you stronger to realize you can't do it all by yourself. Another thing is your family. You have to remember not everyone understands what you are going through or will ever understand. Family may not be blood. It can be even a stranger that you can talk to who understands and doesn't judge you. I personally also think a family member or friend should be able to kick you in the butt sometimes , but must understand that sometimes for a patient "No means No." But as patients don't take your disease as a death sentence and that every pain means something new is going on and is related to your original diagnosis. Sometimes it is what it is. Learn our body!! Know its quirks, pains, aches, instabilities.I wrote this just because I hope it may help one person! If that happens I will be ecstatic and will know I made a difference in someone's life! I am always just a message away if you need me! My email is If I don't get to you right away it doesn't mean I am ignoring you. Most of the time it is because I like you are dealing with the same things and insecurities you are going through. As of right now I am dealing with a bout with Bronchitis bordering on pneumonia so back on the steroids I go for a Blast hopefully only, but 3 days into it I feel the same or worse. But I can't spend my life in bed. I am staying in the house as much as possible but I might as well be in the hospital if I have to stay in bed all day.I started this Non-Profit group called Sarcoidosis of Long Island. It really has been a tough go at it, but worth the challenge. If we can help just one person than it has been worth it. We have had 2 Sarcoidosis 5k Fun Runs , A movie fund raiser, and a Friendly's Dinner Fundraiser. We have received proclamations from our town, our county, our State representative, and US Representative as well as US Senator Charles Chuck Schumer. We also have a support group for the locals. I am proud that a man who on April 2012 had a slim chance of living has gotten this far. There have been setbacks but you roll with the punches and get back up again and start again. Lately the "flare Ups", Sarcoidosis flare ups are very tough, it in your lymph nodes, lungs, neurological, arthritis, eyes, gi system, skin. Add to that Crohn's and Colitis, IBS and good old Diverticulosis and it is so much fun. But all in all I am alive thanks to God and my wife Diana and her family and as well as some of my family members and friends!!!Just an update to all that want to know... This winter has been extremely tough due to the cold and snowy weather. I have dealt with many different issues including my stomach pain- another hernia that they won't do surgery on because of the other problems, flu,- had a terrible case of it that came back, bronchitis, and they took me off remicade because it wasn't working and my arthritis and joint pains got worse. They are going to start me on Humira and see how that goes. I went to an allergist and found out I have environmental allergies. Started on allergy shots but had a terrible reaction on them, so bad they had to give me 40 mg of Prednisone. So no more allergy shots. I also have to get hearing aids for both ears! Fun! Just another day in the life of a Chronic Sarcoidosis patient. Good news is in April Sarcoidosis of Long Island is going to be working with The Town of Brookhaven for a walk through Beautiful and Historic Stony Brook on April 25, 2015. It will coincide with Foundation of Sarcoidosis Research 5k walk/run for Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. We also will be going to a Town Hall Meeting on April 16, 2015, where I will speak to the Town Hall and The Town Hall Council members will be wearing Purple for that day in April. We also had Council member Valerie Cartright at one of our support group meetings. She was amazing and is partnering with me to raise awareness for this dreaded disease. July 14,2015- Thank you very much Rachel Platten for your song "Fight Song!" It has inspired me so much lately!!!Here is my thoughts lately of my disease, Sarcoidosis. I have been very angry over this disease. It has been a roller-coaster of emotions, physical and mental items. Let's just say not all is bad. I have had some real good things happen to me on the personal level. Now on the medical side it has been tough. My neurological issues seem to grow and have made me scared but also weary of what is Sarcoidosis related and what isn't. With this disease you never know if the Sarcoidosis has taken over or if it is something other medical problem. All I know is that it makes it so difficult to understand what is going on with my body except that something different is going on, dizziness, muscle pain, memory loss, and other things. I am also very angry because Ten people I knew that had Sarcoidosis has died very recently. One of these people was an activist for the Sarcoidosis cause, Andrea Timmons. She was the first person I talked to online about Sarcoidosis and we talked so many times on the phone when I was in the hospital or when she was. I will never forget Our Lady Bug! I am frustrated at the government aside from my local government, Town Of Brookhaven, and Suffolk County, but my state, and the federal government seems to just ignore it. How many people have to die before someone wakes up!!! Sometimes I feel like I am fighting a losing battle , but I know I will never give up fighting because if I give up then what do I have left with my life. I love to help others and hope we keep getting bigger so we can make more of a difference.We do have a Andrea Timmons Sarcoidosis 5K Walk on August 29, 2015. We are really getting some support from the local NY sports teams as well as Karen Duffy, actress, and also a fellow Sarcoidosis patient. We are also getting local sponsors that have been great. I will list once we get them all! We are trying to work with the local 9/11 First Responders who have Sarcoidosis also due to the high heavy dust from the area. We are also trying to work with media people to get coverage also. I really want to make a splash to raise awareness and help many people who can't afford medicines and cost of living. On October 5, 2015 I was picked to go and speak in front of Congress. One of 7 great people. It was a great experience. Since that day I want to help everyone, but I know I can’t. I am always in pain and don’t see that changing. But oh well!!!I really have learned in the past couple of weeks how bad my Sarcoidosis really is when I tried to do some easy things that I could do easily when I was healthy. Make for a depressing time!!!It was so depressing, that I had bad thoughts. After all the tests, I have been diagnosed with Sjorgrens Disease. All of these diseases are related somehow. I am changing my medicines when I get back to fight off another disease. It keeps on piling on. I would tell you later about what it brought me to a very dark place. That I never thought I was going to climb out of it. I have been recently my kidneys are leaking proteins, either my liver or bones are leaking enzymes and I have a heart murmur. So I don’t know how much longer I can fight for everyone, so each day I try to fight my best. Now I am honored to be going to Washington DC for the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases Congressional Annual meeting on November 4, 2015. I am the only one from Long Island and the only one to represent Sarcoidosis. It is a networking meeting to meet up with Senators and Legislatures followed by a gala. This is huge for Sarcoidosis because we can get some government momentum about the needs of Sarcoidosis patients and the need for information and acknowledgement of a rare disease. Time to up date some more. I have been told by my PCP that it is time to go back to Mt. Sinai Sarcoidosis Clinic. My disease has advanced to a point that my other Doctors are running out of options. So it is time to go back to the experts. I am hoping that they can really figure out what is going on with my body. The pain is excruciating, on a scale of 1-10 I am living in the 8 zone. But on the bright side, My county Legislature Kara Hahn is going to help raise awareness in Sarcoidosis. Also my US Representative Lee Zeldin is going to help me raise awareness on the federal level. Also FSR and I should be working together with others to try to bring all of the Sarcoidosis groups together so we can send out one message to the government. We will get it done!!!January 7, 2016- More updates for the new year! Our county Legislature Kara Hahn is really helping me with a new project that we hope will be so cutting edge for our disease. We will have a Seminar class for Pulmonary Doctors in Suffolk County Long Island New York in April for Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. If things work out FSR will be there also as well as The Suffolk County Health Committee. I also finally got NY State Senator Kenneth LaValle to write an order that will get passed in February making April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month in New York State. I just got a call today from Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn’s office. I have a meeting on January 14, 2016 with the Suffolk County Health Department Commissioner and her to discuss our plans and how we can accomplish our plans for a Seminar with the Pulmonary Doctors of Suffolk County and also to work on a date so we can get the ball rolling. I want to thank you, Kara Hahn, for all your help. I also want to thank Valerie M. Cartright for supporting me throughout all of my work on Sarcoidosis Awareness. I personally am going back to Mt. Sinai Sarcoidosis Clinic, because I have been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in over 90% of my body. It has gotten so bad that my pain level is always at an 9-10. I am seeing Dr. Morgenthau an amazing doctor . I am very hopeful that I will find some sort of balance in my care. Now to get balance in my life with my Health and my Advocating. Just some more updates to my story as of March 31,2016. Plenty has happened since I last wrote in my note.Let’s see. I went to Mt Sinai and found out my many diseases are blocking my treatment. If things don’t get better I may have to get off of all my meds and start from scratch. Needless to say that will be crazy tough. So they have tried new treatment for my left eye so I don’t lose the vision called Prokera. It went amazing! So I am very happy about that!!On the Advocating front.. It has been a whirlwind! From Feb 28-March 4th I was in Washington DC for Rare Disease Week and also advocating for Sarcoidosis Awareness! Met some amazing people while at Rare Disease Week, Elisa DeBellis Seeger, Mari-Elaina Garcia, Stephanie D Fischer Jesse Marimat, Lisa Sukel Schill, and Shira Rose to name a few. They really made this visit amazing. Also all the fellow Sarcoidosis advocates, Cathy Wick, Cathleen Terrano, Alesia ONeil, Zakiya Moza Aziza Asiya, Jenny Hinton, Rebecca Remington, and Aretta Hairston-Smith. I also was named FSR patient ambassador, which is such an honor. Also I have been working with New York State to get a resolution making April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. It came through last week. Also received a letter from President Barack Obama for my hard work and dedication, what an honor. Last but not least I have been working on getting a Federal resolution and thank to Senator Schumer’ aide Morgan Brand, and US Representative Lee Zeldin’s aide Matthew Scott, are making resolutions to make April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. I am also in the process to have a Rare Disease Day at Stony Brook University Hospital, It will be an event to help raise awareness for the 7000 rare diseases. As you can see I have been quite busy. I just hope to keep my health up and keep that balance.I want to say I Love You Diana Small-Rivera for being my support and being by my side through all of our tough times! You are my rock and my love! I also want to thank my daughter, Savannah, for her support and I Love You both so much!!
November 17, 2016- Update- Well let me start off by saying it has been quite busy as I said earlier. I had a great event “A Day for Rare Diseases” on October 15,2016. We had speakers from all different aspects of Rare Diseases. We had government officials, from who spoke as well as came to represent and support the Rare Disease community. We also had great speakers from different aspects of the rare disease community. I have to thank all of my sponsors, Global Genes, EveryLife Foundation, WIRC, Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research, Angioma Alliance, Aiden Jack Seeger Foundation, RAS and IPPF. The event was such a success thanks to Diana Small-Rivera, Nadia Bodkin, Kendall Davis, and all of the other volunteers.
On a more personal note- I have been having a tough past couple of months physically. I have to have surgery number 7 in December. I just hope they find what they are looking for this time. This disease has been kicking my butt, but with all that I am still fighting and advocating. We need 21st Century Cures Act passed in this next session of the Senate. #CuresNow
My goal for next year is to get Sarcoidosis Awareness Month of April through the House of Representatives and The Senate. We had it put up last year now we need to get it passed this year!!!


Friday, September 9, 2016

My Story continued....

My Story continued!!
 My story continues and I wonder how and why I go through what I do... Then there is that one person that calls me or sees me and either thanks me or just gives me that Hug that just means I am doing something right!!! I have been going through some real life changing circumstances, some I can’t control and some I bring on myself by just not thinking the right way, and yes those choices can’t be blamed on my disease or diseases. I have so many things to be depressed about health wise, and I have been at times I won’t lie. But then you think about what you do have and that always outweighs the bad.My life with Sarcoidosis and what it has done to me! My Sarcoidosis story: Hello my name is Frank Rivera. I am 49 . My story actually goes back to 2004. While in Florida I was found to have a lump in my lungs. After a biopsy they told me I had lung cancer. That rocked my world. In the meantime I ended up moving to Oklahoma and getting chemotherapy and radiation. In 2009 and 3 ½ yrs. later I ended up back in New York. Well my fiancĂ© at the time Diana got pregnant and was due to have the baby in April of 2011. Well unfortunately Isabella Joy Rivera was born in January 3rd due to complications. She was too premature and passed away on January 8, 2011. It broke our hearts to the core. Then on January 23, 2011, I went to Mather Hospital for lower abdomen pain. And they took X-rays and CT Scans. They told me it was my IBS acting up. Well in April of 2011, I went back due to the same problems as well as breathing problems. According to the dr. there he asked me if I knew I had 2 lumps in both my lower lobes in the lungs since the January visit. I was shocked thinking my lung cancer had reappeared. So I went to an oncologist surgeon who took a biopsy of my inflamed lymph nodes and found out I have Sarcoidosis. I was like what is that?? I never heard of it. Well little did I know what kind of roller coaster I have been on since? I also found out I was misdiagnosed about the lung cancer in 2004, by Dr Padilla of Mt. Sinai Hospital.I was first diagnosed in my lungs and lymph nodes and it grew into my neurological system, then in my eyes (uevitis), then it has attacked my gallbladder, which I got removed in July 2011. Then since one of the prescriptions for Sarcoidosis is Prednisone 40mg (steroid) it started to eat away at my colon. Between that and my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and my Diverticulitis, in October of 2011, I was in the hospital for 25 days before I had a resection of the small colon. They removed about a foot of colon. All the while I was still on 40 mg of Prednisone as well as Klonopin, for the tremors, Zoloft for depression, mysoline also for tremors, protonix for the heartburn and Advair for the lungs and naproxen for the arthritis. In April 2012 I went back into the hospital for abdomen cramps to find out the my colon ruptured and I ended up with sepsis. I almost died. I was on life support for 3days and don’t remember those days at all. I had a colostomy bag put on me When I did wake up the doctors told me I was a miracle to be alive. I only remained in the hospital for another 3 more days. They decided to taper my Prednisone to5mg and took me off of the naproxen. In July I got I got a new rheumatologist and he has put me on 15 mg of methrotrexate, now I am on 20mg, and remicade, and physical therapy due to the Sarcoidosis arthritis. In October 2011 I had another surgery for the removal of the colostomy bag.Now I have to deal with the colds that the methrotrexate which is a chemotherapy pill that makes me susceptible to other colds. I have already had two in the past month. I now have to go back and get another surgery on an incisional hernia. I will be having that either in the end of the month of June of beginning of July. The problem is that I need to be off the methrotrexate for at least 3 weeks, but when I don’t take it I can barely walk. So I am in a catch. I received the surgery in AugustI just want to let everyone know that no matter how hard it has affected my life, I will keep a smile on my face. Even though I am on disability, I know that it may have changed my life but it won’t run my life. I refuse to give into this disease, don’t get me wrong there are days where I cry and ask why me. I just answer myself by saying God only gives you what you can handle. I use a cane now and then but that doesn’t define me. What defines me is the strength to carry on. Sarcoidosis is what I have not what I am! My mission in life is to help others with diseases that on the outside you look fine, but on the inside the pain is unbearable.In December of 2013 I ended up having another surgery to fix the mesh of the hernia so that makes a total of 6 surgeries in 3 years. But I am still here kicking and fighting.My Sarcoidosis thoughts as I live and move forward with this disease.As I sit here this morning thinking about this disease, Sarcoidosis, there are many people with Sarcoidosis that do get many other problems some are associated with the disease then some aren't associated but masked looking like many other diseases. Sarecoidosis is classified as an auto inflammatory immune disease, though it takes on many other diseases like symptoms. That is what makes it so difficult for doctors and scientists to get a hold of the cause and cure. We as people who have Sarcokdosis have to be diligent in our own care, by keeping up to date with the medicines, and new ways to combat this terrible disease. We have to be our own doctors and learn to not just accept everything a doctor says is always right. Don't be afraid to ask for a second or a third opinion until you feel comfortable with your doctors and your care. Each one of us "Sarkies" need to control your own care by being aware of your care and what your body needs and how it feels.One thing that I feel as a Sarcoidosis patient is that us as a "community", maybe not one that we wanted to be part of, but we are, need to gather together instead of everyone having their own agenda. We all have a disease that effects everyone of us in a different way but it still is the same disease and there are many ways we could work together to get funding and acknowledgement that this disease needs and we need to get our priorities together to help those that really need it. I am not saying you don't need it but there are many people without insurance and basic medicines and can't get a simple X-Rray or CT Scan.I know that I am not perfect and will never be, but I do know one thing. I would do as much as I could to help others anyway legal. I am not trying to put myself on a pedestal, but us as a "Sarkie" nation, which many of us do, need to get together and get this whole movement working together. We are all in it for the right reasons, now let's keep the momentum going so we can all get this disease controlled and then see it go to the waste side.I want everyone to know that I DO LOVE YOU ALL. I am sure some of you may doubt that and even doubt my ways of fund-raising. We all have our own ways and we are all determined to get it done, that is why we are stubborn, otherwise we wouldn't be doing this and fighting this disease. A couple of things I wanted to say before I close this note! Don't be afraid to be afraid; don't judge people for how they react to the disease also. Each person is different and has different symptoms and pains and aches.The best thing I could tell anyone who has any type of disease. Your mind has an amazing power! It will either help or hinder your success or failure. Your mind is 90% of your recovery. I know from personal trials and tribulations that if you don't think positive and give up your body will follow. It is always easier said than done, but if you can't do it alone don't be afraid to go out and get help. There are many places that will help for cheap or no money for that matter that will counsel you and help you. Don't think you are weak if you are talking to a counselor. If anything it makes you stronger to realize you can't do it all by yourself. Another thing is your family. You have to remember not everyone understands what you are going through or will ever understand. Family may not be blood. It can be even a stranger that you can talk to who understands and doesn't judge you. I personally also think a family member or friend should be able to kick you in the butt sometimes , but must understand that sometimes for a patient "No means No." But as patients don't take your disease as a death sentence and that every pain means something new is going on and is related to your original diagnosis. Sometimes it is what it is. Learn our body!! Know its quirks, pains, aches, instabilities.I wrote this just because I hope it may help one person! If that happens I will be ecstatic and will know I made a difference in someone's life! I am always just a message away if you need me! My email is If I don't get to you right away it doesn't mean I am ignoring you. Most of the time it is because I like you are dealing with the same things and insecurities you are going through. As of right now I am dealing with a bout with Bronchitis bordering on pneumonia so back on the steroids I go for a Blast hopefully only, but 3 days into it I feel the same or worse. But I can't spend my life in bed. I am staying in the house as much as possible but I might as well be in the hospital if I have to stay in bed all day.I started this Non-Profit group called Sarcoidosis of Long Island. It really has been a tough go at it, but worth the challenge. If we can help just one person than it has been worth it. We have had 2 Sarcoidosis 5k Fun Runs , A movie fund raiser, and a Friendly's Dinner Fundraiser. We have received proclamations from our town, our county, our State representative, and US Representative as well as US Senator Charles Chuck Schumer. We also have a support group for the locals. I am proud that a man who on April 2012 had a slim chance of living has gotten this far. There have been setbacks but you roll with the punches and get back up again and start again. Lately the "flare Ups", Sarcoidosis flare ups are very tough, it in your lymph nodes, lungs, neurological, arthritis, eyes, gi system, skin. Add to that Crohn's and Colitis, IBS and good old Diverticulosis and it is so much fun. But all in all I am alive thanks to God and my wife Diana and her family and as well as some of my family members and friends!!!Just an update to all that want to know... This winter has been extremely tough due to the cold and snowy weather. I have dealt with many different issues including my stomach pain- another hernia that they won't do surgery on because of the other problems, flu,- had a terrible case of it that came back, bronchitis, and they took me off remicade because it wasn't working and my arthritis and joint pains got worse. They are going to start me on Humira and see how that goes. I went to an allergist and found out I have environmental allergies. Started on allergy shots but had a terrible reaction on them, so bad they had to give me 40 mg of Prednisone. So no more allergy shots. I also have to get hearing aids for both ears! Fun! Just another day in the life of a Chronic Sarcoidosis patient. Good news is in April Sarcoidosis of Long Island is going to be working with The Town of Brookhaven for a walk through Beautiful and Historic Stony Brook on April 25, 2015. It will coincide with Foundation of Sarcoidosis Research 5k walk/run for Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. We also will be going to a Town Hall Meeting on April 16, 2015, where I will speak to the Town Hall and The Town Hall Council members will be wearing Purple for that day in April. We also had Council member Valerie Cartright at one of our support group meetings. She was amazing and is partnering with me to raise awareness for this dreaded disease. July 14,2015- Thank you very much Rachel Platten for your song "Fight Song!" It has inspired me so much lately!!!Here is my thoughts lately of my disease, Sarcoidosis. I have been very angry over this disease. It has been a roller-coaster of emotions, physical and mental items. Let's just say not all is bad. I have had some real good things happen to me on the personal level. Now on the medical side it has been tough. My neurological issues seem to grow and have made me scared but also weary of what is Sarcoidosis related and what isn't. With this disease you never know if the Sarcoidosis has taken over or if it is something other medical problem. All I know is that it makes it so difficult to understand what is going on with my body except that something different is going on, dizziness, muscle pain, memory loss, and other things. I am also very angry because Ten people I knew that had Sarcoidosis has died very recently. One of these people was an activist for the Sarcoidosis cause, Andrea Timmons. She was the first person I talked to online about Sarcoidosis and we talked so many times on the phone when I was in the hospital or when she was. I will never forget Our Lady Bug! I am frustrated at the government aside from my local government, Town Of Brookhaven, and Suffolk County, but my state, and the federal government seems to just ignore it. How many people have to die before someone wakes up!!! Sometimes I feel like I am fighting a losing battle , but I know I will never give up fighting because if I give up then what do I have left with my life. I love to help others and hope we keep getting bigger so we can make more of a difference.We do have a Andrea Timmons Sarcoidosis 5K Walk on August 29, 2015. We are really getting some support from the local NY sports teams as well as Karen Duffy, actress, and also a fellow Sarcoidosis patient. We are also getting local sponsors that have been great. I will list once we get them all! We are trying to work with the local 9/11 First Responders who have Sarcoidosis also due to the high heavy dust from the area. We are also trying to work with media people to get coverage also. I really want to make a splash to raise awareness and help many people who can't afford medicines and cost of living. On October 5, 2015 I was picked to go and speak in front of Congress. One of 7 great people. It was a great experience. Since that day I want to help everyone, but I know I can’t. I am always in pain and don’t see that changing. But oh well!!!I really have learned in the past couple of weeks how bad my Sarcoidosis really is when I tried to do some easy things that I could do easily when I was healthy. Make for a depressing time!!!It was so depressing, that I had bad thoughts. After all the tests, I have been diagnosed with Sjorgrens Disease. All of these diseases are related somehow. I am changing my medicines when I get back to fight off another disease. It keeps on piling on. I would tell you later about what it brought me to a very dark place. That I never thought I was going to climb out of it. I have been recently my kidneys are leaking proteins, either my liver or bones are leaking enzymes and I have a heart murmur. So I don’t know how much longer I can fight for everyone, so each day I try to fight my best. Now I am honored to be going to Washington DC for the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases Congressional Annual meeting on November 4, 2015. I am the only one from Long Island and the only one to represent Sarcoidosis. It is a networking meeting to meet up with Senators and Legislatures followed by a gala. This is huge for Sarcoidosis because we can get some government momentum about the needs of Sarcoidosis patients and the need for information and acknowledgement of a rare disease. Time to up date some more. I have been told by my PCP that it is time to go back to Mt. Sinai Sarcoidosis Clinic. My disease has advanced to a point that my other Doctors are running out of options. So it is time to go back to the experts. I am hoping that they can really figure out what is going on with my body. The pain is excruciating, on a scale of 1-10 I am living in the 8 zone. But on the bright side, My county Legislature Kara Hahn is going to help raise awareness in Sarcoidosis. Also my US Representative Lee Zeldin is going to help me raise awareness on the federal level. Also FSR and I should be working together with others to try to bring all of the Sarcoidosis groups together so we can send out one message to the government. We will get it done!!!January 7, 2016- More updates for the new year! Our county Legislature Kara Hahn is really helping me with a new project that we hope will be so cutting edge for our disease. We will have a Seminar class for Pulmonary Doctors in Suffolk County Long Island New York in April for Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. If things work out FSR will be there also as well as The Suffolk County Health Committee. I also finally got NY State Senator Kenneth LaValle to write an order that will get passed in February making April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month in New York State. I just got a call today from Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn’s office. I have a meeting on January 14, 2016 with the Suffolk County Health Department Commissioner and her to discuss our plans and how we can accomplish our plans for a Seminar with the Pulmonary Doctors of Suffolk County and also to work on a date so we can get the ball rolling. I want to thank you, Kara Hahn, for all your help. I also want to thank Valerie M. Cartright for supporting me throughout all of my work on Sarcoidosis Awareness. I personally am going back to Mt. Sinai Sarcoidosis Clinic, because I have been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in over 90% of my body. It has gotten so bad that my pain level is always at an 9-10. I am seeing Dr. Morgenthau an amazing doctor . I am very hopeful that I will find some sort of balance in my care. Now to get balance in my life with my Health and my Advocating. Just some more updates to my story as of March 31,2016. Plenty has happened since I last wrote in my note.Let’s see. I went to Mt Sinai and found out my many diseases are blocking my treatment. If things don’t get better I may have to get off of all my meds and start from scratch. Needless to say that will be crazy tough. So they have tried new treatment for my left eye so I don’t lose the vision called Prokera. It went amazing! So I am very happy about that!!On the Advocating front.. It has been a whirlwind! From Feb 28-March 4th I was in Washington DC for Rare Disease Week and also advocating for Sarcoidosis Awareness! Met some amazing people while at Rare Disease Week, Elisa DeBellis Seeger, Mari-Elaina Garcia, Stephanie D Fischer Jesse Marimat, Lisa Sukel Schill, and Shira Rose to name a few. They really made this visit amazing. Also all the fellow Sarcoidosis advocates, Cathy Wick, Cathleen Terrano, Alesia ONeil, Zakiya Moza Aziza Asiya, Jenny Hinton, Rebecca Remington, and Aretta Hairston-Smith. I also was named FSR patient ambassador, which is such an honor. Also I have been working with New York State to get a resolution making April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. It came through last week. Also received a letter from President Barack Obama for my hard work and dedication, what an honor. Last but not least I have been working on getting a Federal resolution and thank to Senator Schumer’ aide Morgan Brand, and US Representative Lee Zeldin’s aide Matthew Scott, are making resolutions to make April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. I am also in the process to have a Rare Disease Day at Stony Brook University Hospital, It will be an event to help raise awareness for the 7000 rare diseases. As you can see I have been quite busy. I just hope to keep my health up and keep that balance.I want to say I Love You Diana Small-Rivera for being my support and being by my side through all of our tough times! You are my rock and my love! I also want to thank my daughter, Savannah, for her support and I Love You both so much!!
I have been trying to update people on what I have been doing lately, but it is tough. I have been fighting a personal battle with my disease as well as trying to keep advocating for Sarcoidosis and also for Rare Diseases. 
On the Advocating front some ups and downs have happened. I had to cancel our Sarcoidosis 5k in August due to circumstances that were out of my control. On an amazing notes are I have confirmed a date for "A Day for Rare Diseases." October 15, 2016 from 11am-4pm at The Hilton Garden Inn in Stony Brook NY. After much work and help from Global Genes,  EveryLife Foundation, Nadia Bodkin, Lisa Schill, Elisa
DeBellis Seeger, Mari-Elaina Garcia, and Stephanie D Fischer and many others. We have a great event scheduled that is open to the public. For more information go to: I have to thank all the government officials that have helped me or are participating in this event, especially US Representative Lee Zeldin, US Senators Schumer and Gillibrand as well as many NY State Senators and Assemblymen, Suffolk County Legislators Kara Hahn, Sarah Anker, and William Spenser. I would also like to thank the Town of Brookhaven for their support throughout all of my endeavors, Valerie Cartright, Jane Brittingham Bonner Sandusky, Kevin LaValle and Edward Romaine. 
On the rough side, I may have to get surgery soon (#7). My hernia has been strangulating my colon and causing extreme pain and making my life a living heck!!! I have been weened off most of my meds because I am having stomach reactions to them. My other symptoms have been getting worse real quick. I have been having trouble walking and just doing daily routine activities. 
I will keep moving forward and make sure I keep raising awareness for Sarcoidosis and all the other Rare Diseases in the USA!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Diana Is such a great person but even better caretaker!!!

Here is my story Frank Rivera, on Diana Rivera my wife but most importantly my Savior of my life!!!
Diana and I met online Facebook to be exact in 2008. Once we started to talk I knew she was the one for me. We have so many of the same tastes in many things. We just hit it off! One problem was that I was living in Oklahoma and she was living in New York. Well you see we decided to take the big leap and meet, Diana came over to Oklahoma to roam the farms and herds to meet me. When she got there it was like we knew each other forever. Well since I was originally from NY it only took me a month for me to move back to New York to be with Diana. Her personality and smile will get you as soon as you see her. Well all was going well for a while, we found out we were going to have a baby girl in April 2011. Well that is where things changed. Baby Isabella Joy Rivera was born January 3, 2011, after only 24 weeks due to the fluids were going back into the embryo. Well Isabella fought a tough battle for 5 days but she was too underdeveloped to live so on January 8, 2011 she passed away. It was Diana’s first child so of course it hit us very hard. Well that alone would be enough for anyone, but on January 23,2011 I was having abdomen pains so I went to the emergency room to find out that in a CT Scan they happen to find 2 masses in both lower lobes of my lungs. Well after a full body scan they also found more masses on my lymph nodes. After all that they discovered it is a rare disease called Sarcoidosis. So like many people I am thinking “well at least it’s not cancer”. Well little did we know that Bernie Mac died of Sarcoidosis, as did Reggie White (football player), some current stars have it also like Tisha Campbell and Karen Duffy, a model. Also on Michael Clarke Duncan’s death certificate has Sarcoidosis as listed as possible helper cause. Well enough of that. The reason I went in so deep is because Sarcoidosis has affected my daily life, my eyes, sarcoidosis arthritis, and my breathing. It is one of those diseases they always say” But you look great!” It also a disease with no cure! Well if it wasn’t for Diana I don’t think I would be alive today. In the past 2 years  I have gone through 4 surgeries, gallbladder removal(7/2011), colon resection(10/2011), perforated colon( with sepsis all over my body that almost killed me) (4/2012) and just October 10,2012 I had a colostomy bag reversal with a hernia repair. In February of 2013, I found out that my Sarcoidosis in my eyes has gotten worse and my tear ducts in my left eye do not produce any tears. While that was going on the Sarcoidosis in my arthritis also got worse so now I am on a drug called Methotrexate chemotherapy. Without it I could lose my eyesight as well as not being able to walk again, I have to use a cane now. I filed for disability in October 2011 and got denied the first time so I had to hire a lawyer that would only collect if we won my disability case. I am personally broke if it wasn’t for Diana I would have nothing. I just had my second disability hearing in February which looks promising, but disability is really only a small amount of money that will help but not take the place of a real job that I would so like to be able to get back to. Because of the medicine and my severely compromised immune system and my wife’s job we have been sleeping in different beds.   We got married September 17, 2011, best day of our life, but right after the honeymoon I was back in the hospital for over 25 days. So as you can see Diana is my SAINT and ROCK through this whole process. I haven’t been able to work in 2 years, so she is the bread winner as well as my physical therapist, nutrionist, and my psychiatrist. I really believe she is so worthy of any recognition. I am not looking for money and if you know Diana, publicity is not what she wants either, though she deserves that and more. I just know that it has been so hard on her and she deserves something, anything!!! I would be forever grateful to you. There is another reason I wrote this to you is to let you know and the world know we really don’t give enough recognition to the families and or friends of people who are ill and depend on others to help them get through the day.

Here are just some comments that have been said by people that Diana Rivera has affected in her life. As you can read there is so much generosity as well as sincerity. As you know it is tough enough to be a caregiver, but to also lose a 5 day old child as well puts such a strain on anyone.  Then to top it all off she is a lead Preschool Teacher at Stony Brook Childcare in charge of infants and toddlers. If you ask any of her current or past parents they would all say without a doubt she is the most caring deserving person.

Here is a video that I made up to show the love of Diana from many people. Some say things, some show themselves in pictures. You will totally understand what I mean when I show you the video.Why Diana is so loved!

 Diana-You're such a wonderful/beautiful wife. I haven't even met you in person and yet I aspire to be more like you!!!! Thank you so much for becoming a friend and taking such awesome care of my other friend grin
  • Thanks for being a great caregiver for frank.... he speaks greatly of u.... I am a caregiver and also have sarcoidosis and fibromyalgia so I know how hard it is and what all u go through.... it is very rough when he is very sick but can tell u are strong..... keep up the good work

My friend Frank is very sick with Sarcoidosis and many other problems, they have both really had a rough trot.
His wife Diana has been his rock, breadwinner and support through 4 surgeries:- gallbladder, colon resection, perforation of colon and sepsis(that one he almost died) and now a colostomy bag reversal and hernia repair not to mention the Sarcoidosis in my lungs, eyes, lymph nodes and sarcoidosis related arthritis. Diana is his whole world, keeping him sane, then she went back to work at a child care where she takes care of many children who love her. On Jan.8, 2011 they lost their darling baby Isabella Joy after only being with them for 5 days.
Diana also took care of her dad and stayed by his side and taking on all the decision making for the family during this tough time.
Diana will and always does for others before herself. Her family always comes first. She is the only one that has a job at the moment. Child care salary isn't much but she manages to help her mum as well as her and her husband Frank.
I would love for you to consider this story.

And if you cannot help this lady, would you please do a segment on Sarcoidosis, the real story of how they suffer. So many google sites are crap and gloss over how serious it can be for a lot of people.

And thank you in advance
Teri Welch
Perth Australia
My dear friend and co-worker Diana truly deserves recognition for the strength and perseverance she has displayed over an extremely trying two years. In January of 2011 her daughter Isabella Joy was born prematurely and after fighting hard for several days, she passed away. Despite her grief she soon returned to her job as a teacher of infants and toddlers, and unfailingly cared for other people's babies and children while mourning her own, and she did so with devotion, professionalism, and true strength.

Six months later Diana celebrated her wedding to her husband Frank and all who love her were happy to see things looking up for her. Unfortunately their happiness was short-lived as Frank began suffering from an array of symptoms that were eventually diagnosed as sarcoidosis, which is a chronic illness. Diana has seen Frank through four surgeries already, including one life-threatening one. He has also been unable to work leaving Diana as the sole wage-earner for their family. She has been his rock and his strength. Diana deserved to be recognized for the strength of character and loving devotion she has shown through a such challenging times, and doing it all with an unfailing spirit and an open heart.

I hope this is what you had in mind, and that it works! Much luck and love to you both!!

·         Diana. Like these Geese, we all need someone to lean on in times of need. Frank has you. I have Kathy. Thank You for caring and supporting Frank through the good times and bad. Words are not adequate to describe the support you have shown.


Diana, when all things fell apart around you and Frank, you made you made a very bleak looking world into a blessed world for you and Frank.

With two hats, one in each hand, I am a patient with MS and Sarcoidosis, who needs a caretaker, but who must also be a caretaker for my husband, I feel I can say with some authority, I can appreciate what a caretaker is, means, goes through just to get the job done. This is just the start on what you have gone through in the last ever so long months.

It takes a lot of love to make it through just the transition to their new roles as a couple when one spouse gets ill and need that extra help. A spousal caretaker has far more emotional pain for they have to actually deal with a life time adjustment some times. How will affect my world? At first, it seems like “What can I do?" but can often times become a burden and quite a life change. There has been much research done on this by the MS Society. I use to work for them. The majority of partners don't make it, and the breakup. This happens largely within the first two years. Transition is the largest factor. Those who do make it, usually have a stronger marriage as time goes on. I see you, Frank and Diana, one of those couples.

Diana and Frank have made it through this, Frank could no longer work, so you stepped in there, plus had an added job of taking care of Frank whether you were tired, had a bad day at work, or was dealing with other stresses in your own life. You constantly were building up Frank, making sure everything was OK for Frank, giving a 110% of herself to husband. You helped him deal with very serious operations as you were also dealing with them for yourself. It is hard to say in a few words all that you went through and accomplished. The worry about her husband, day to day issues, everything.

As a couple, you also suffered the biggest loss parents can have, the loss of your baby girl, Isabelle Joy. These two major stresses, here adding ,the care taking adding on to this, being the bread winner, could have broken the best of women, but NOT DIANA! When it all rained down on them, You blossomed. Frank is a very appreciative husband who wants you to really know deep down in in his heart he loves and appreciates his precious wife. From your friends you may or may not have met yet, THANK YOU, DIANA. YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED!

I am writing to tell Frank Rivera's story. He and his wife Diana were married a little over a year ago. They lost their daughter Isabella Joy Jan. 2011, as an infant. Shortly after, Frank found out that he suffers from sarcoidosis. Diana, his new bride, has been working and taking care of him this whole time. She has been right by his side with no complaints or regrets. She is his rock! He has been through 4 surgeries, one which he almost died from. All of these surgeries have happened in the past year and a half and has put the utmost stress on Diana, being the only bread winner and still trying to take care of her husband. She also works at Stony Brook Childcare where she is a teacher; she is loved at her job.

·          I am writing you with the hopes that you can help us show Diana Rivera how great she is! Diana married my cousin Frank about 2 years ago and i am amazed by how big her heart is! Diana has had a lot to deal with in the past couple of years, she has suffered a loss of a child and Frank has Sarcoidosis and is in and out of the hospital. Frank's mother passed away and he really has not much contact with his siblings so Diana is pretty much is entire family. She has stood by his side 150%. Diana is a lead teacher at Stony Brook children center and her coworkers absolutely adore her. I believe her act of kindness would be "just being Diana" And to me it makes her very special!!!! please help us show her how great of a person she is!!!! Thank You!

Hi Diana, I'm not in any shape to be on video right now so I thought it best to send a message & photo. This photo is of me & my beautiful husband Chris, about the last time I felt good. You are to Frank what Chris is to me-“my everything”. I know how hard it must be to be the carer because I see the stress it puts on my Chris & because I was a Social Trainer for 25 years, working with people with disabilities. Thank you for your courage, your strength, your caring & loving. Knowing Frank has you is wonderful because you are wonderful in all that you are & all that you do. Bless you always, love to you & Frank

·         Diana~When I think of you I think of strength. Frank and your life have really showed me true love!!